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Ateliers de cocréation Son + Lieu

We are pleased to launch a new series of co-creation workshops facilitated by Simon Chioini @s.chioini SON + LIEU, that will offer explorations taking place in the Chabanel district. Each session involves collecting and assembling sounds, images, words, gestures and impressions gathered in the field. In small groups, we'll divert the use of our studio equipment to produce spontaneous collective creations in situ.


→ Eastern Bloc, 55 Louvain O.

→ Multiple dates:

Friday march 15th, 3 to 6

Monday March 25th , 3 to 6

Saturday April 6th, 1 to 4 — special Guest : Dominic Thibault At Faculté de musique de l’UdeM

Tuesday April 16th , 3 to 6

Saturday April 20th, 1 to 4

Limited places ! Inscriptions :

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